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Computer Service Specials!

Legalizing Your Home or Office Software!

Why Legalize? Why Be Compliant?

Software compliancy is quickly becoming a number one concern of all major software manfacturers. Software companies have realized that millions of dollars are lost each year due to illegal software copies.

Steps have been made to ensure that new software versions include strict rules for registration at the time of install. (Not followed and your software will not work after a period of time.) Some of the rules include time constraints, hardware specific encoding, and version authorization via Local and Wide Area Networks (Internet). Microsoft, the most popular, if not the biggest software manufacturer in today's economy, has even gone to drastic lengths of requiring re-registration of their packages if guidelines have not been followed.

Private agencies heavily supported by software companies have been formed and WILL take action if your business is audited and found to be non-compliant. Two of these agencies are the Business Software Alliance and the Software Industry Information Association .

Penalties are high for those businesses that "get caught" and can amount to a very large monetary penalty. Is it worth it?

Questions to ask yourself!

  • What software and versions of software are on my home or business computer(s)?
  • Are my computers compliant and legal?
  • Have I had enough of being system administrator on my machines?
  • Would I rather spend my time on "my" business instead of time consuming computer support?
  • How can I get more return from my computer investment?

How SBCTEC can help!

We will work with you to get started on your way to a fully compliant single computer or whole office network. We understand that software costs are high and budgets are tight.

We will provide you with a plan that will get all systems compliant within "YOUR" timeframe that agrees with your budget. We will complete the job for you and provide you with a report that itemizes all software on each machine.

We can also upgrade your application software and provide you with suggestions on how you can start using your computer investments to their full potential.

Branford Chamber of Commerce

Jetbook Notebooks Microsoft OEM System Builder Sophos